
Bob Dylan “Tomorrow is a Long Time” song meaning

Bob Dylan "Tomorrow is a Long Time" song meaning

“Tomorrow Is a Long Time” is a song written by Bob Dylan, and it was first recorded during Dylan’s 1962 sessions for the album “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.” However, the song was not included on the album and remained unreleased until it appeared on various compilations and bootleg recordings. It’s considered one of Dylan’s beautiful and introspective compositions.

“Tomorrow Is a Long Time” is a reflective and poignant song that seems to convey feelings of longing, uncertainty, and the passage of time. The lyrics suggest a sense of isolation and distance from a loved one, which could be interpreted as a personal relationship or a broader connection with the world.

The refrain “If today was not an endless highway / If tonight was not a crooked trail” reflects a yearning for a more direct and certain path. The repetition of the phrase “If tomorrow wasn’t such a long time / Then lonesome would mean nothing to you at all” highlights the idea that the anticipation of the future, with its uncertainties and distance, contributes to feelings of loneliness and longing.

The song’s imagery, such as references to dreams, rivers, and mountains, creates a contemplative atmosphere and adds to the sense of longing and introspection. The lyrics capture a moment of vulnerability and introspection, where the narrator reflects on the complexities of time, distance, and emotions.

Here are some additional possible interpretations of the song:

  • The song could be about the power of love. The narrator is willing to wait for their loved one, even though it may be a long time. The song could be a celebration of the power of love to overcome distance and time.
  • The song could be about the importance of hope. The narrator is still hopeful, even though they are going through a difficult time. The song could be a reminder that hope is essential for getting through tough times.
  • The song could be about the journey of life. The narrator is on a journey, and they are not sure where it will lead them. The song could be about the uncertainty of life and the importance of staying hopeful.


If today was not a crooked highway
If tonight was not a crooked trail
If tomorrow wasn’t such a long time
Then lonesome would mean nothing to you at all
Yes and only if my own true love was waitin’
And if I could hear her heart a-softly poundin’
Yes, only if she was lyin’ by me
Then I’d lie in my bed once again

I can’t see my reflection in the waters
I can’t speak the sounds that show no pain
I can’t hear the echo of my footsteps
Or remember the sound of my own name
Yes, and only if my own true love was waitin’
And if I could hear her heart a-softly poundin’
Yes and only if she was lyin’ by me
Then I’d lie in my bed once again

There’s beauty in the silver, singin’ river
There’s beauty in the sunrise in the sky
But none of these and nothing else can touch the beauty
That I remember in my true love’s eyes
Yes and only if my own true love was waitin’
I could hear her heart a softly poundin’
Yes and only if she was lyin’ by me
Then I’d lie in my bed once again

Cansu Demir

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